Essay Writing from Prompts

(1)If I lived in ancient times what modern conveniences would I miss most? (2)With today’s state of theArt technology, the majority of the planet lives a cutting edge lifestyle. We have sky scrapers, airplanes, elaborate freeways and numerous other high tech inventions that our earlier ancestors did not have. In Ancient times life was simpler.  They did not have some of the luxuries we have today. (3)If I lived in Ancient times I would miss electricity, indoor plumbing, and some personal items. (A)First of all, electricity is very helpful in many ways. (B)Secondly, indoor plumbing makes life easier on everyone. (C)Finally life without some of my personal items would be depressing.

If I had to live in ancient times, I would really miss the convenience of having electricity.  Electricity is important on those cold winter nights when only your heater can make you feel all toasty and cozy.  Equally important, it’s nice to bump up the A/C during those scorching hot summer months, which could be quite treacherous without air conditioning. I love the refreshing feeling of walking into a nice cool, crisp, well air conditioned room, and enjoying that breeze that blows through my hair. It would be dreadful to live in ancient times without heating and air.  Electricity is useful in the kitchen for cooking, baking, and using the microwave.  I couldn’t imagine hunting down and killing my chicken when I’m so used to being able to pull a bag out of my freezer, put six or seven chicken nuggets on a plate, and pop it into my microwave for 60 seconds.  Thank God I don’t live in ancient times because cooking would be an all-day exhausting project.  Having electricity would mean lighting would not be an issue.  With candles I would constantly be worried about burning down the house.  On the other hand, without electricity I wouldn’t have to hear my dad complain that I have too many lights on, and that he pays the PG&E bill, not me. I need electricity. The privilege of having electricity is a modern day convenience that I appreciate.

Without a doubt, I don’t want to imagine my life in ancient times without indoor plumbing. Just thinking about flies swarming around from the foul smell of improper plumbing usage makes my stomach queasy, as I hold my nose.    Toilets are essential in contemporary living. Physically I am not coordinated enough to squat without making a mess on myself.  I don’t know how ancient people did it.  Indoor plumbing also means having the ability, which I have grown accustom to, to take hot showers.  I wouldn’t want to get up at the crack of dawn to beat the morning rush down at the river.  Plus, the thought of bathing in unclean algae infested water deeply disturbs me.  Sinks inside the home would be another benefit to indoor plumbing. Refreshing Clean water to drink is necessary for survival.  Clean water for washing hands is important for health reasons and will prevent the spread of illness. Having clean water to wash the dishes inside my home, instead of dragging them to the lake, would be more sanitary and convenient.  I would not want to haul my knives, forks, and spoons down to the lake to wash them, while grandpa is sitting in the water next to me taking his sponge bath. Gross thought. Without indoor plumbing my life would be a grim nightmare. 

Furthermore, if I had to live in ancient times, I would definitely yearn for some essential personal items.  Without them, my life would be grey, sad, stressed out, untidy, and overall it would not be a pretty site. For some people deodorant should not be optional, but mandatory!  Clinical Strength Protection will never let you down.  Another personal item that I would never want to be caught without, which would be quite embarrassing, especially in an accident, are those supportive undergarments that we’ve all come to love and appreciate.  Fruit of the Loom is a blessing in disguise.  Without a doubt the most highly necessary personal item that any female past the age of twelve does not want to be without is her feminine hygiene products. Frankly I don’t feel I need to elaborate on this topic, but during certain weeks they are a must!  Enough said. Using personal items makes life easier.

(A)Electricity is very useful in our daily lives. (B)Without the proper use of indoor plumbing our world would be unsanitary. (C)Having personal items gives me confidence to tackle day to day situations. (1)Most importantly having indoor plumbing is an essential modern day convenience. (2)Toilets, showers, and sinks are a must to have in my life. (3)I love to read and study about Ancient times, and learn the history of how people lived, but the 21 century sure has some nice perks.     

Mariana G

Ancient Times Essay

24 February 2013


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